Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Happy 4th, Happy Halloween, Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Martin Luther King Day and All That Jazz...

So first I'd like to apologize for posting like...well to be correct Eight Months after my last post. I didn't mean to do it, I promise!! But I got really busy and my camera was being an "Evil Little Troll" (That's what I named him) so I couldn't really post anything remotely interesting. Second, Happy New Year!! But it feels like that was a year ago. I don't get it. 

I did have an extremely remarkable Thanksgiving and Christmas, we made the famous "Over the Rainbow Macaroni & Cheese" And spent some great quality time with the family. I had very adventurous excursions with my Aunt and Uncle (more details on that will come soon) and Grandparents, and of course my parents and siblings. 

I did make some New Year's Resolutions for this year, and I wanted to share them with you so here they are:

  • Make New Year's Resolution this year
  • Post on "Barefoot Duchess" atleast 16x more than last year (I wasn't very specific, I know)
  • Finish "14", "Saga of My Heart" and "Until the Last Rose Dies" (Novels I'm currently writing, it's alot of work!)
  • Create atleast six new recipes in the following six months
  • Read the "Lord of the Rings Trilogy" with my mom (yes, we're just NOW getting around to reading it)
  • Google the things I say I will (and sometimes I've sat down and gone to Google but by the time I get there I forget what to Google!)
  • Buy a new Laptop, Camera, and iPod (yes, iPod, I actually need one believe it or not)
Also, I'll try to post some more pictures to the blog. Even if I have to force "Evil Little Troll" to work. I hope you have a great day and have great fun in the kitchen!


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